Samantha Ghiselli, MD
Jessica M. Farahi, MD
Lisa Blackwood, MD
Medical • Pediatric • Surgical • Cosmetic
Samantha Ghiselli, MD
Jessica M. Farahi, MD
Lisa Blackwood, MD
Medical • Pediatric • Surgical • Cosmetic
Exceptional Dermatologic Care for the Whole Family
Denver, Colorado
SKN Dermatology is a physician-owned boutique dermatology practice that provides exceptional dermatologic care with personalized patient attention. We provide medical, pediatric, surgical and cosmetic dermatology and can address skin concerns for the whole family. Our board-certified dermatologists, licensed aesthetician, and staff are committed to keeping your skin healthy and will go out of their way to take great care of you and address all of your skin care needs.
Schedule your visit
501 S. Cherry Street - Suite 310 - Glendale, CO 80246
Office hours
MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:30am – 5:00pm
FRIDAY 8:30am – 4:00pm