About Our Office


Personalized Medical, Pediatric, Surgical, & Cosmetic Dermatology for the whole family by our board-certified dermatologists and licensed aesthetician.

SKN Dermatology was founded by Samantha Ghiselli, MD, as the next chapter of an already well-established dermatology practice. Dr. Ghiselli, also founded Pure Dermatology in 2018 which became one of the premier dermatology practices in Denver with a reputation for taking excellent care of all of their patients. SKN Dermatology is an opportunity to improve the care we provide to our patients and will continue to provide comprehensive dermatology care for the whole family in the same location that was previously Pure Dermatology.

Jessica Farahi, MD, board-certified dermatologist, joined Pure Dermatology in 2022 and has transitioned to the SKN Dermatology team with Dr. Ghiselli.

The same exceptional aesthetician, Ashli LaMadrid, and incredible staff and familiar faces that patients have grown to love have also transitioned to the team at SKN Dermatology.

Dr. Lisa Blackwood, board certified dermatologist, is joining the SKN Dermatology team starting November 2024. Dr. Blackwood has been providing excellent care in the Denver community since 2018. She is one of the most respected and distinguished dermatologists in Colorado and we are excited for patients to meet her.



501 S. Cherry Street
Suite 310
Glendale, CO 80246

Office hours

MONDAY 8:30am – 5:00pm
TUESDAY 8:30am – 5:00pm
WEDNESDAY 8:30am – 5:00pm
THURSDAY 8:30am – 5:00pm
FRIDAY 8:30am – 4:00pm